Linux on Azure is a thing, but Microsoft will only provide limited support. It means that if you’re not very knowledgeable about troubleshooting Linux for Azure, then don’t go to Microsoft for help with your problems.
We’re not exactly certain what Microsoft means by “limited support.”
From what we’ve come to understand, Microsoft will only offer “Help with installation and configuration of Supported Linux Distributions on the Azure platform and services” along with making “Recommendations applicable to the Azure platform and services.”
Now, not all Linux operating systems will be supported by Microsoft. Expect all the popular distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, SUSE Linux, OpenSUSE and CoreOS. FOSS projects such as PHP, Java, Python, MySQL, Apache, Tomcat and WordPress, are all supported.
The support seems to be more about Azure than anything else. If users want real support where the operating systems are concerned, we’d recommend them to look elsewhere in order to get professional help.
It is possible that visiting the Microsoft Community forum might help with some problems since there could be a chance some users of the forum may have knowledge in the area that requires help. Still, getting real professional support would be a better move.
We understand Microsoft is working with the guys at Open Sourcery to help with this issue. Maybe if the software giant comes across a problem that is not able to help with, the company will direct users to Open Sourcery for help.
These guys are some of the best available, and because of that, their help comes at a price. We can’t say how much Open Sourcery will charge, but since their website doesn’t show what folks should expect where pricing is concerned, then there is a chance the expenses are high.
Bear in mind also that users will need to be able to understand and speak English in order to benefit from Microsoft’s limited support.