Google has launched a Take Action campaign in support of a free and open Internet. The initiative has been launched world-wide via a new website launched by it.
Google Take Action
Google and other tech companies fear that The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is holding its World Conference on International Telecommunications in Dubai next month could try to freeze and put control of the web into the hands of the United Nations and its members.
This could possibly kill the Internet freedom we love so much, as it would allow governments to increase censorship, regulate the Internet, cut off Internet access or restrict how citizens access and use the Web.
Google on its Take Action Page clearly highlights:
Some governments want to use a closed-door meeting in December to increase censorship and regulate the Internet, join together to keep the Internet free and open and that …there is a growing backlash on Internet freedom. Forty-two countries filter and censor content.
The website by Google displays a timeline expressing fear and concern about an ITU takeover, highlighting the fact that an ITU-governed Internet could mean greater UN control over cyber-security, data privacy and the IP addressing system. Take action by Google also presents the company’s views on this subject via messages.
Google has urged all the cyber-citizens to participate in this online campaign to support it and help it create a difference. So, members of the online community in an effort to preserve free and open Internet, get up and raise your voice but civilly!
Visit Take Action and make your voice heard!