Microsoft Edge has introduced its very own Origin Trails system and has already started offering a slew of experimental features. It is worth noting that Google Chrome also offers Origin Trials system which lets developers to sign-up, register, and give feedback on experimental features.
Microsoft Edge Origin Trials
Microsoft claims the feature will help move the web forward and “meet the needs of web developers.” Furthermore, the Origin Trials program will let developers test experimental features on their website for a set length of time. The experimental feature that is not yet enabled for the general web will start appearing for select Microsoft Edge visitors. Developers will gain important insights by gathering details and providing early feedback. Needless to say, Microsoft will take the feedback and if required will add it to the final API.
The Origin Trials framework is a great way for Web developers to connect with browser engineers and the Web standards community, it enables Web developers to experiment in new web platform capabilities and offers a medium where they can continuously provide feedback on various APIs shape, usability, and effectiveness after experimenting with them for a limited period of time in real production sites.
How to Join Microsoft Edge Trials
If you are a developer, Origin Trails is a great way to access new web features. All you need to do is open Microsoft Edge Origin Trials Developer sign-in link and register by entering your details. Unlike end users, you won’t have to manually enable “edge://flags page.”
The website says “Safely experiment for a fixed period of time and provide feedback on new platform features with Microsoft Edge origin trials.” At this point in time, you can choose to register for VirtualKeyboardPolicy, PenButtonEvents experimental API’s.
VirtualKeyboardPolicy offers an API surface that will let you control when the virtual keyboard is displayed on the page. Meanwhile, PenButtonEvents will let developers handle events passed on the browser when it gets a signal that describes button-press gestures. This is specifically meant for Windows Ink compatible pens.
Lastly, Microsoft assures that its Origin Trails framework is congruous with Chrome Origin Trials.
You can check out the Origin Trials Guide on Github to understand how you can use trial tokens on your website.