Microsoft’s Windows Installer CleanUp Utility, MSICUU2.exe, was a tool one used to remove failed installations and information for programs, that were installed using Windows Installer.
Windows Installer Clean Up utility
While the Windows Installer Cleanup utility was found to be a very useful tool by many, as it resolved installation problems, it was also recently found to damage some other components of the Windows operating system, installed on the computer.
Because of this reason, Microsoft has removed the Windows Installer Cleanup utility from its Download Center!
Microsoft now no longer supports the use of this tool.
This utility has replaced Windows Installer Cleanup utility with Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter.
I wonder if they will remove it through a Windows Update?
I have never confronted any problem with this little application.
How ridiculous! They should then simply update the tool to not “damage”. It was a very useful tool.
This app saved my behind so many times!
Will they send it flowers like IE6?
So what should I use now? A lot of help files still say to use it to fix problems. Now I have problems and no fix?
It is a June 25th 2010 development, which has been also mentioned in Microsoft’s KB290301.
“While the Windows Installer Cleanup utility resolved some installation problems, it sometimes damaged other components installed on the computer. Because of this, the tool has been removed from the Microsoft Download Center.”
WTF? We’ve used this tool at our agency for years to fix the MS PROBLEM. Wouldn’t a better solution be for MS to update the tool so it wouldn’t conflict with the other program(s)? Ridiculous.
Is Microsoft just going to ignore the issue with SQL not being able to install as a result of this, as described in this KB:
Any “fix-it’s” for this!??
They said in the post MajorGeeks has the file available to download. I am linking to the page listed in this article for my post.
I would recommend everyone download a copy and keep it in a safe place.
Thats just great, NOW they have programs that require THIS FIX and there isn’t ANY!!?? NOT to mention THe MajorGeeks Link is also BLOCKED?? Thats why i just bought an Expensive MAC Laptop cause i’m tired of Microsofts BS.
The Majorgeeks link is still working as of date.
I just downloaded it from Major Geeks today, used it to fix a failed SQL 2005 install.
I wonder if people were just selecting everything and uninstalling and that is why they took it down.
Installing the micuu2 downloaded file from MajorGeeks doesn’t work.
If you can’t find MSICUU2.exe, do a search for it on filestube. That’s where I found it.
had major issues with win 7 essentials this tool is a life saver
download here :
thank you, Patrick
What is your problem with these fucking ads! I can never tell which one is the download link. Jesus, your an asshole.
Thanks again to Patrick for the download site!
The NEW FIXIT WIZARD tool does NOT fix the problems. It just fails and points to a read-me that give no help. I HAD to get the old tool from MajorGeeks and then manually patch the Permissions on the registry to get the problem resolved.
This is BASIC crap that MS needs to be able to detect and fix. They created this mess, they need to manage it.
No wonder they are looking market share.
…loosing market share….
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! It works now 🙂