The announcement of the new Windows operating system- Windows 10, is an historic event for Microsoft. Having the same user experience on all the Windows operating system devices like desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, Xbox is definitely a feature that has to be appreciated.
Other than just working on codebase there were lot many hurdles that Microsoft’s team crossed in order to achieve the outcome that it is today.
The journey to Windows 10 was never very easy. Experts from different domain from all over the company were grouped together as the one team. Software engineers like David Machaj need to work more than 8 to 12 hours installing new version of Windows every now and then, waiting for Windows to build, long process of code syncs and then again to rebuild Windows. The work carried out by David and other team members have a huge impact on company business as well as on their own expertise level.
Li-Chen Miller, Principal Group Program Manager from the Windows Shell team says,
“There’s a lot of talent working on Windows 10, and for the first time in history, we have engineers with experiences from all over the company collaborating on this user experience together as one team,”
Lichen and her team were responsible for the Start experience that you see on your Windows devices, including other features like Action Center etc. Lets learn a bit about few members of the Windows 10 OS team who have put in their hard work in building this OS as per customer’s need and at the same time ensuring a great user experience.
- David started his career as an intern with Microsoft. After gaining experience during his internship days, today he is a reputed Software Engineer in Microsoft organization. Earlier, he had worked with the Windows 8 team and later he was shifted to Desktop experience team for Windows 10.
- Tim Griswold, software engineering lead in quality for Windows Shell, has the responsibility of ensuring that Windows 10 meets customer needs. He has joined Microsoft as an application developer consultant based in Denver. Then he moves on to Redmond. Communication with the customer is very important to get the feedback so as to make future changes. Windows Insider Program proves to be very helpful in this respect. Tim says-“We get to listen to customers, anticipate their needs, and invent. We have millions of customers. How do we distill their feedback to make it actionable?”
- The OSG Media Team is one team that takes care how Windows 10 will play an important role, across all devices. Ian LeGrow, Partner Group Program Manager, together with Steve Seixeiro, Partner Software Engineering Manager and Akshay as guardian of hardware experiences has come together under one roof to achieve their common target.
- Antony Rotoli is a university recruiter and also loves to share knowledge about how one can be part of Microsoft. He is always eager to visit college and meet students to see if the students fits as an intern before doing full time job at Microsoft. Antony says, the students who stand out are people who passionately pursue their interests.
Windows 10 announcement is a huge step taken forward by Microsoft taking personal computing to the next higher level. Stay forward to see what else Microsoft, together with its team, had for its users.
Hello Ankit Gupta,
What an interesting post..I enjoyed reading every word. I’m typing this on my laptop with Microsoft windows 8.1 pro. w/media center edition installed on it. Previously..I had installed windows 10 technical preview (Build #9926), I kept having some issue’s while trying to use it. There were basically two main issue’s I was having with it, #1 my wifi connection kept first I thought it might have been my broadband gateway, but after performing several test’ was determined that the issue was being caused by a ‘bug’ within the tech. preview I decided to continue to try testing the tech preview a little longer. #2 Windows update kept trying to download/install driver’s that were much older than what was already installed on my system. I tried to ‘disable’ the update process of downloading driver’s from windows update..but that didn’t correct the issue. So I felt that I had no choice but to revert back to my previous o.s., which I did, I haven’t had anymore issue’s since doing so. I’m just patiently waiting for the next build # to be I can try out the ‘hopefully’ improved version of windows tech. preview. I love trying out new software, but at least for me was rather disappointed with the build # I was trying to use. I wish there was an easy way to be notified when the next build # is released.
Hey David, Thanks a lot for your reply. I really appreciate your views, and yes, like you, even I am waiting for the final release. We will certainly notify readers at thewindowsclub. Keep sharing your thoughts, it’s a pleasure to have viewers like you sharing them. Cheers, Ankit