The Japanese market is one of the most challenging for Microsoft right now where the Xbox One is concerned, but that is not stopping the software giant from pushing forward.
Compared to the PlayStation 4 and Wii U, the Xbox One is a struggling machine in the Japanese market. This should come as no surprise since the first Xbox and Xbox 360 did not perform well in the market. When it comes down to video game consoles, the Japanese tend to support their own instead of western competitors.
Despite that, Japan boss Takuya Hirano is still confident that the Xbox One can compete in Japan efficiently. He’s hoping Windows 10 will change the fortunes of the system whenever the operating system launches in the country.
“We’re not withdrawing,” he said, PC Watch reports. “Because of Windows 10, even the Xbox One has new features that we’ll try to appeal [to Japanese consumers] with. We want to have an even higher quality line up of titles than now.”
We like that Microsoft is sticking to the Japanese market despite the problems the Xbox One is facing. However, we doubt Windows 10 and Windows 10 features the console may support in the future will help its prospects much.
What is really needed here is a new initiative that is focused on bringing exclusive Japanese games to the console. This plan should make sure that whatever game that will be targeted towards Japanese consumers can also appeal to gamers outside the market in order to have a better chance of earning a profit on the investment.
What about China?
Xbox One in China is also performing poorly, but the good thing so far is that the market is relatively new to video game consoles, so there is much room for improvements. Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, says Microsoft will be attending the ChinaJoy tradeshow in hopes of selling the idea behind the console to Chinese consumers.
Source: Kotaku.
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