Microsoft has a dedicated page titled “How to uninstall Microsoft Edge”, but if you’re looking for actual instructions on how to remove the Edge browser, you won’t find them there. Instead, the page primarily explains what happens when you uninstall Edge—while also making a case why you should not be uninstalling it at all.
The sneaky attempt
Rather than providing clear steps to remove Edge, Microsoft highlights the browser’s features and how it compares to competitors. This approach makes it clear that Microsoft is discouraging users from removing Edge, and sneakingly driving them to use it.
Microsoft hopes to dissuade users from switching from Edge
Since it’s mostly Windows-based features, the page also emphasizes that removing Edge will impact Microsoft Store apps, Bing search, and Copilot, making it clear that Edge is deeply integrated into Windows.
So, instead of providing a straightforward uninstall guide, Microsoft uses the opportunity to highlight features like Vertical Tabs, Coupons, Read Aloud, and VPN, suggesting that users will regret switching to another browser.
This isn’t the first time Microsoft has been criticized for making it difficult to uninstall Edge. Windows users have been asking for it for a long time, and everyone wants the freedom to choose the browser they wish to use as the default browser. Since the browser is deeply integrated with the operating system, uninstall options are limited or difficult.
While Microsoft Edge is a good browser and I do use it as my default, many users are searching for how to uninstall Edge, and with its domain rank, this Microsoft page is sure to rank first in the web search results.
UPDATE: The Microsoft’s page has been taken down by the company.