When your hard work pays off in the form of great results, you can’t help but sport a smile and that’s exactly what the mobile team at Nokia must be doing – flashing a wide grin after news broke out that Nokia has the highest number of mobile users in Russia, surpassing Samsung and eclipsing Apple hugely.

Russia’s premier business paper, Vedomosti, ran a story about Nokia garnering the highest market-share in Russia after analyzing data collected from Euroset, Russia’s largest mobile retailer. According to the reports, 29% of mobile users in Russia use a Nokia phone as their primary mobile device while Samsung holds 27% of market-share.
An interesting point to note is that just a few months ago, Samsung controlled 30% of the mobile market while Nokia was lagging behind at 27%. This spike in market-share is good news for the Finland-based mobile giant as often late, there has been a considerable increase in its efforts in promoting not just its Lumia brand but also Asha smartphones across Russia who also ably contribute towards Nokia’s market-share following its Windows Phone devices which make up for the most of it.
During my recent Russia trip in July 2013, I was surprised initially to see so many colorful Lumia devices out on the streets but that seemed fair given the efforts driven by Nokia (and Microsoft) in promoting the Lumia brand and Windows Phone of course. Presently, the Lumia 620, 625, 720, 920 and 925 are available in Russia with the beast of ‘em all – the Nokia Lumia 1020 – all set to be launched in October 2013.
Not much time has passed since MTS, the largest mobile operator in Russia, publicly handed words of praise to Nokia and Windows Phone. Having stopped the sale of iPhone through its network, MTS is now looking at Windows Phone as a better alternative thanks to the competitive pricing and low subsidy costs.
Well Nokia-Windows Phone, here’s some champagne. Now on to greater heights, shall we?