The Reputation Institute is one of the leading reputation management consultancy firms in the world. Founded in 1997, they operate in 30 countries and provide reputation consulting to enable corporates to achieve their objectives. Every year, they release a report naming companies with the best reputations for corporate social responsibility. This year their 2012 CSR RepTrak 100 report placed Microsoft on the top of the list!
The Reputation Institute surveyed people in 15 countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, United States, Canada, Brazil and Mexico, to measure their perceptions of companies’ behavior in three key areas viz. Citizenship, Governance and Workplace. Over a 100 global brands were evaluated in the study.
Microsoft stood first in the Governance category and also received the top ranking overall.
Being ranked the number one company in the Reputation Institute’s 2012 CSR RepTrak™ 100 report is a tremendous honor and one that we are very proud to receive. Citizenship is a priority on a global scale and at all levels of Microsoft, and over the past few months we’ve announced a number of major initiatives and milestones, said Microsoft.
If you need more details, you may visit the Reputation Institute’s website.
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