Earlier, it was quite bothering to switch apps when working on Office Online or OneDrive to ping your friend on Skype. Not anymore! Microsoft now enables Skype calling and chat support by rolling out a new update to Office Online and OneDrive.
Skype calling and chat support
The added capability helps a user create a natural, collaborative experience where he can co-edit a document, alongside a chat without having to leave the active screen. This in turn, helps in minimizing unwanted disturbances. The complete log of your chat history remains connected to the document so that the next time you open it, you find yourself at the right spot where you left off
“A big part of that promise is by bringing your Skype experiences together with activities, like email and other online services, so that you can get things done faster,” the company wrote in a blog post. “Starting today, you can now call and chat with your Skype contacts while in Office Online and OneDrive”.
It is believed, the Skype integration with OneDrive will benefit users as they will have a chance at hand to make video calls or send instant messages while keeping a close watch on files or documents together.
For quite some time the speculations were ripe that Skype team was working on integrating the messaging service with Office Online and starting today it’s possible! Users can make a call and chat with Skype contacts while in Office Online. The new and improved integration is available to public. Play around with it for some time to know and understand the new features well.
If you have a comment, suggestion, or would like to leave a remark about your Skype experience, check out the Skype Community.
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