If you love recording videos, now it’s time that you share them as well. And what’s better than sharing it through your Skype account. Yes! Video messaging has come to Skype. With Skype video messaging you can now share your favorite videos with your family, friends, relatives and colleagues in the form of a message. Keep recording your video messages and when you get time from your busy schedule, just login into your Skype account and simply message the video.
The announcement was made on Skype blog today informing users that the service is available as a full-fledged feature in the latest version of Skype.
“We’re excited to announce that video messaging is now coming out of the preview as a full-fledged (and free!) feature in Skype for Windows desktop, Skype for Windows 8, Skype for Mac, Skype for iPhone, Skype for iPad, Skype for Android and Skype for BlackBerry. Just like the millions of users around the world who have already previewed video messaging, you too can now record and share a personal video message, even when your friends and loved ones are not available”.
Skype’s Video messaging – Useful features
- No matter even if your friends whom you intend to send the video are not logged into their Skype account, you can still send the video, and they will see the video message as soon as they login.
- The video message is delivered only to the contact chosen.
- There is no limitation on the video messages; users can send as many video messages, completely free of charge.
Recording video is easy. Just follow below simple steps.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88nDTJyEIz4?feature=player_embedded]
Start by tapping “video message” button > Now tap the record button to start capturing your video message > Record video up to 3 min (not possible beyond that), you can re-edit or delete if you don’t like> When ready with the message just click on the envelope icon and your video message is sent to your contact.
Video messaging from Skype allows you to express much more in your communication to others. I would personally prefer having it on my Windows PC. What about you?
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