The Windows 7 RC wallpapers have evoked a strong response. While some have liked it, others have not. Windows is for the whole world; and with this in mind, Microsoft to recognize the global audience of Windows by seeking out illustrators with varied backgrounds and styles with the intention of representing and appealing to people all around the world.
Still to some the Windows 7 RC wallpapers look like crazy acid trips. While some find them awesome and charming, yet others find them grotesque & ugly. The “Characters” pack for instance has been a hit on Digg.
Microsoft is talking about these wallpapers on the E7 Blog. “With the photography covered, we tried to broaden our coverage to include additional images that would inspire, delight and invigorate people’s imaginations. We wanted to stretch into some new content that felt unique, timely, and with a distinct point of view. Our goal was content that balanced the timelessness of great photography with graphical illustrations that are energetic, modern, and fresh. On top of it all it was also important to achieve a rich variety in the illustrations to appeal to different tastes, genders and ages, color ranges from quiet to loud, and from large compositions to small and detailed.”
Still, I would like to see a wallpaper pack which has some humor, in the final release.
Would also be nice if Microsoft could make special MSStyles for the themes, instead of just changing the colors, sound and wallpapers.
What do you think?
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