Overpassing Windows 7 market share, Windows 10 has now become the most popular operating system. As per the analytics firm StatCounter, the stats are based on the worldwide internet usage and Windows 10 market share has reached 42.78% whereas Windows 7 fell down to 41.86%. Meanwhile, Windows 8.1 holds 8.72% of market share and Windows XP holds 3.36 % and Windows Vista slipped down to 0.74%. On the other hand, NetMarketShare disagrees with these stats and states that Windows 10 is still lagging behind by 10% from Windows 7.
Windows 7 till now has been the most popular and commonly used version of Windows operating system and has been giving the highest cut of 48.41% in the market share since June 2017. But Windows 10 is gaining new users each month and thus has surpassed the market share of Windows 7 in January 2018.
Windows 10 market share
The StatCounter chart clearly shows how the number of Windows 7 users have decreased and that of Windows 10 has increased significantly in last six months. In December 2017, both Windows 10 and Windows 7 were at the same point with 41.69% of market share, but January brought many new users of Windows 10 making it the most popular operating system.
Briefing the stats, Aodhan Cullen, CEO StatCounter said in his blog post, “Windows 10 was launched at the end of July 2015 and Microsoft will be pleased to have put its Windows 8 experience behind it. However, Windows 7 retains loyalty, especially amongst business users. Microsoft will be hoping that it can replace it a lot quicker than XP, launched back in August 2001, which only fell below 5% usage worldwide in June of 2017.”
StatCounter combines both mobile operating systems and the desktop data to bring out the figures and as per their reports, Windows Phone had a 0.61% usage share in the month of January 2018. While these stats are never accurate and the disagreement is clearly seen between different sources, all we can do is to wait for Microsoft to release some figures. You can check the detailed stat chart here.
still like windows 7