Windows Store, the only source of Windows 8 apps has now set a record of passing 100,000 apps mark. It was just around a week before when Microsoft acclaimed that Windows Store will reach the 100K apps mark soon during a BUILD developer conference in San Francisco and the Windows App Builders Twitter feed announced today that the Windows Store now has over 100,000 apps available.
Windows 8 app store has reached the mark of 100,000 apps in just seven months of its launch whereas Windows Phone Store took around 18 months to attain this goal.
The Company is also making former partnerships with several companies and organizations to bring new and high quality apps to the Windows 8 Store. Microsoft yesterday in its statement said that the Company has set an agreement with the Independent Software Vendors to develop some high quality work-related apps.
The software giant is calling the partnership as ‘AppsForSurface’ and the motive is “to provide devices and funding for app design intended to get key enterprise apps on Surface and Windows 8.”
By the time Microsoft launches Windows 8.1 officially the Windows 8 store will comprise more of important apps including Facebook.
Microsoft might not beat its competitors in number and quality of apps but it has surely learnt to collect the apps faster. Redmond’s own Windows Phone Store reached 100K milestone in 18 months while Android took 18 months and the Apple App Store attained 100,000 apps in 14 months.
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