Bing will be providing access to Wolfram|Alpha’s advanced algorithms and expertly curated data within the Bing experience.
This new and exciting work is completely aligned with Microsofts broader goal of enabling faster, more informed decisions. Specifically, Bing will bring nutritional information and tools into Bing’s search results, as well as some straight up hard math and homework help. Do visit the Discover Bing website for more.
Having announced the Wolfram|Alpha API just over three weeks ago, Microsoft’s Bing decision engine will be its first API customers.
Starting today, Wolfram|Alpha’s knowledge, computed from expertly curated data, will enrich Bing’s results in select areas across nutrition, health, and advanced mathematics. Wolfram|Alpha provides immediate, unbiased, and individualized information, making it distinctly different from what has traditionally been found through web search.
“By using Wolfram|Alpha, Bing recognizes the complementary benefits of bringing computational knowledge to the forefront of the search experience.
By using our API, Bing will be able to seamlessly access the tens of thousands of algorithms and trillions of pieces of data from Wolfram|Alpha, and directly incorporate the computations in its search results.”