It only recently that Yahoo announced their move to shutter down the legacy version of the Yahoo Messenger and instead focus on the newer versions of the product. Yahoo in a bid to appeal to customers outside the Yahoo ecosystem has announced Finance, News, Weather and Monkeys for Facebook Messenger.
Yahoo BOTS for Facebook Messenger
A Facebook Messenger user can follow market trends and stay updated with the relevant information without leaving the app. Yahoo Finance app allows you to search for the latest news and information and the development in the world of Finance and also it lets you share all this info easily to your friends. Yahoo News works on the similar lines and keeps one abreast with the trending news and also lets users check out the relevant news pieces in detail.
Now if your friends ask you about the weather at your place you can send them the details of the same instead of those one-word answers. MonkeyPet has been gaining quite a lot of attention and is a lovely virtual pet that can lighten your day.
The Yahoo bots work similar to the ones in Slack and this all you need to do is address the service, for news type @YahooNews, for Weather @YahooWeather and for the virtual pet @MonkeyPet.
Facebook Messenger is only second to WhatsApp and with more than 900-Million active monthly users it is very likely that Yahoo will be able to bring in more people to use their services. Furthermore, if you have any feedback for the bots just type “Feedback” to any messaging bot. Facebook Messenger has been moving towards an ecosystem of bots, something that the companies M Assistant would be based on.
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