On Saturday, March 27th from 8:30pm Eastern Daylight Time to 9:30pm Pacific Daylight Time, the Bing homepage will be dark in support of Earth Hour. Created by World Wildlife Fund, Earth Hour asks people to participate and demonstrate their concern about global climate change with a simple gesture of turning off all non-essential lights and electronics.
As the Bing team acknowledged on their blog, while a darker version of the Bing homepage doesn’t save energy over the regular version, they wanted to help mark the occasion and spread the word about this issue.
On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people, organizations, corporations and governments around the world will come together to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. In the U.S. where we are already feeling the impacts of climate change, Earth Hour sends a clear message that Americans care about this issue and want to turn the lights out on dirty air, dangerous dependency on foreign oil and costly climate change impacts, and make the switch to cleaner air, a strong economic future and a more secure nation.
Participation is easy. By flipping off your lights on March 27th at 8:30 p.m. local time you will be making the switch to a cleaner, more secure world.
To find out more about what you can do to support Earth Hour, see MyEarthHour.
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