After navigational queries, it’s the people searches which is the second most searched category. People searches represent nearly 10 % of all searches on Bing. And Bing has been constantly working to make it easier for people to search for the right person they are searching for. Earlier, a few weeks back Bing had called people to checkout Snapshot which included significantly larger number of entities from more domains with a deeper level of understanding including people, places and things which are among the most common searches on Bing.
Bing People Autosuggest
People searches may not only be of celebrities, but also for professionals, colleagues and friends, whose quick facts might be publicly available on LinkedIn and Wikipedia. Bing provides these quick facts to you, sourced from them.
Improving upon this, Bing is releasing today a faster way to find people from the search box. Bing now provides a snapshot of information about that person below the search bar.
And not only just that, if you are searching for a person named say Adam Jones, there may be multiple Adam Jones as shown above. Bing now provides you a snapshot view of the person with the same name as you type, so that you can select the Adam the American Football player or the Adam the Guitarist Musician , which ever you are searching for. Thus in the milliseconds between keystrokes, Bing lets you narrow down your search as you click on the right person you want.
The Bing Search Blog informs :
“This latest evolution of Bing Autosuggest has been co-developed by the Search Technological Center (STC-E) in London, U.K. in close collaboration with the User Experience team in Bellevue, WA.”
Give it a try, and let us know how it works for you.
Again, issues with English.
One does not search a person. One searches FOR a person. A preposition (or prepositional phrase) is necessary to force the headline to make grammatical sense.
The headline, then, should have been either…
“Bing People Autosuggest makes it easier to find the person for whom you’re searching”
“Bing People Autosuggest makes it easier to find the person you’re searching for”.
The latter is the least formally grammatically desirable, but is more commonly used and less pedantic, and so is arguably more acceptable. Most grammarians would certainly argue for its use in the spoken word. As a headline, though, I would argue that the more formal former is better.
Either of them, though, is better than “Bing People Autosuggest makes it easier to find the person you’re searching”
To the article’s subject: It’s Bing, so who cares.
Gregg L. DesElms
Napa, California USA
gregg at greggdeselms dot com
Title edited. Thanks!!