Released in 1972, Pong – a tennis sports game featuring simple two-dimensional graphics was one of the earliest arcade video games. Four decades later, the game still nurtures some appeal as it finds a place in some of the popular web search engines. Yes, Microsoft’s search engine – has added the interactive game to their search results.
Bing Pong game
With Bing set as default search engine, users can play this interactive game directly in their search results. Simply search in Bing for pong and the Bing Pong game will launch directly above the search results. You can then play Pong against Bing right there. Just move the cursor of your mouse in upward and downward direction on a PC or by swiping up and down in touch-enabled devices.
Pong game originally designed by Atari. The game and the company were the pioneers in establishing the video game industry. Following the launch, multiple companies started producing the games replicating Pong ’s gameplay, and eventually released new types of games. As such, even Atari encouraged its developers to produce more innovative game which led to the release of several sequels built upon the erstwhile gameplay, replete with new features. Pong was in true sense, one of the first video games to reach mainstream popularity.
The trend adopted by Microsoft is somewhat similar to the one Google had adopted in its search results – the Pac Man Google game.
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