Twitter has added a new Message button which will let you share a tweet via Direct Message. So with this new feature, it’ll be simpler to share a tweet privately and start a private conversation.
New Twitter Message Button
People use Direct Messages to communicate privately with friends, family, experts, various brands etc on Twitter. The number of messages sent using DMs has grown over 60% in 2015 while tweets shared privately has grown at 200% in just the later half of last year. Users wanted an easier way to share tweets privately using Direct Message and for such a feature to be added.
Now with Twitter providing a new button with a Tweet, one can share any Tweet on their timeline in just a few taps and start a private conversation.
The will provide the list of contacts to choose from to whom this tweet has to be sent privately and start the private conversation.
This new feature providing a Message Button will make the conversation easier and richer in Direct Messages. Not to forget, Twitter has been gradually enhancing Direct Message features by letting its users add animated snippets GIFs, one can add emotive symbols emojis and Direct Messages can go beyond 140 characters. Such feature makes it easier for the user to get a customer service from a brand, solving ones queries and much more.
Announcing the Message button on the Twitter blog, this feature has been made available from today on Twitter for iOS and Android. In the post one can also view the new feature in action in the GIF image provided. One has to update the app to get this feature and start the private conversation more easily.
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