Twitter is planning to launch its own photo filtering tool somewhere around the end weeks of 2012, but the co-founder Jack Dorsey has already started posting photos using this tool. Jack Dorsey, Twitter Chairman tweeted a few black and white photos which were seemingly created using, it’s very own photo hosting service.
Jack Dorsey is reportedly using Twitter’s own photo filtering tool before its official release. The pictures uploaded on Twitter apparently shows that he have been using the unreleased new tool, a report published suggests so.
All Things D report says:
Twitter is making a big push to release a series of photo filters to be used inside the official Twitter app before the end of the year, according to sources familiar with the matter.
The goal is to release the camera filters in an application update in time for the holiday season, these sources say. The new version of the app is currently in testing, which may be why we’re seeing Twitter chairman Jack Dorsey post so many black-and-white filtered photos of his Square employees (not to mention the wing of his plane at takeoff, posted just this Saturday morning).
The rumors about this new photo filter tool from Twitter were first posted by New York Times last month. If the rumors turn true the inception of this new tool would serve as a great solution for fine battle lines turning dense between Instagram and Twitter.
Twitter executives are geared to bring this tool before the end of the year.