Intel Compute Stick, a USB stick running Windows 8.1 which was first announced in CES is now available for 150$ at various online stores. Intel Compute stick is an HDMI stick that comes installed with Windows 8.1, just like Google’s Chromecast and Amazon’s Fire. Intel’s Compute Stick turns a TV into a full-fledged Linux or Windows PC.
Intel Compute Stick available at 150$
Online retailer, NewEgg has listed the product as being available by April 24 and have opened pre-orders for the same. Intel had plans to release this device in early March, however the product is landing by late April. One can also find the stick on Amazon Store.
The Intel Compute Stick is a new generation compute-on-a-stick device that’s ready-to-go out-of-the-box and offers the performance, quality, and value you expect from Intel. Pre-installed with Windows 8.1 or Linux, get a complete experience on an ultra-small, power-efficient device that is just four inches long.
Intel Compute Stick is powered by a quad-core Intel Atom processor, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of storage and an additional micro SD card slot for storage. The Compute stick is designed keeping storage and performance in mind thus enabling light productivity, social networking, streaming media using online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu. The stick comes with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The Bluetooth support lets anyone add a mouse or a keyboard.
In the CES event which was held in January, Intel had priced the device at $149 for the Windows 8.1 model and $89 for the Linux model. In another related news, Microsoft themselves have partnered with Lucoms and announced Windows 8.1 PC-on-a-Stick dongle in South Korea.
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