It looks like Apple has lost its shine among the teenagers. Since last year many reports claimed that Apple devices are used more by parents than kids. It still continuous this year and here comes a more interesting survey.
Buzz Marketing Group has reported that Apple devices have become less popular among the kids. It was the time when kids showed off their Apple products that made them more cool. Things have changed now, the report says Microsoft… Surface has taken over the Apple. Kids and teenagers find Microsoft Surface RT tablet more cool than Apple product. The Surface RT tablet innovates the tablet market with minimal design and great software within it that drew teenagers attention.
Why is surface more popular than Apple? ‘Apple is too popular to be popular’ and that’s why kids and teenagers are buying Surface RT or Galaxy smartphones instead.
According to Buzz Marketing Group,
“Teens are telling us Apple is done. Apple has done a great job of embracing Gen X and older [Millennials], but I don’t think they are connecting with Millennial kids. [They’re] all about Surface tablets/laptops and Galaxy.”
Apple has taken over Microsoft for its coolness from the past few years. With Microsoft launching and all-new Windows 8 with live-tiles, teenagers are finding Mac OS’s traditional user-interface boring or less cool.
The same has happened with iPhone and Windows Phone. Apple is using the same user-interface on its iOS device since 2007. Kids these days don’t prefer it over the Windows Phone’s Metro UI, says the report. It looks like in coming years teenagers will take their hands-off the Apple.
Via BGR.