Seeing the dwindling share of Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 in the global browser market share, Twitter announced that they would no longer support these outdated web browsers. Most computer users have already updated to the latest versions of Internet Explorer like IE10 or IE9.
When Twitter introduced the Tweet button, they used Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 as the baseline for developmental work. But beginning 13th May, Twitter will limit its support for these browser versions.
In a blog post, Twitter listed how the Twitter for Websites JavaScript library would function:
- The Tweet button, Follow button, embedded Tweets and timelines will cease to be initialized in IE6.
- Factory functions for the creation of widgets will be defined, but will return false to any callback provided in IE6.
- Web Intents Events will no longer be supported in IE6 and IE7.
The basic version of Twitter, embed codes, some widgets will however continue to be accessible if you are using these browser versions. Widgets will still continue to be rendered in Internet Explorer 7, but future features may not be implemented.
So if by chance you still happen to be using Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 9, here is another reason for you to update to Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 9, as your operating system may permit – or use an alternative browser to browse the web.